Incumbent Pat Rowe, Running Mate Kathy Dailey, Want Madison Voters to Know...

Kathy Dailey, Pat Rowe discuss the areas they plan to address if elected to council, including making Madison more affordable, maintaining its critical infrastructure, and working to reduce the burgeoning excess surplus the borough has developed.
Kathy Dailey, Pat Rowe discuss the areas they plan to address if elected to council, including making Madison more affordable, maintaining its critical infrastructure, and working to reduce the burgeoning excess surplus the borough has developed.

Councilman Pat Rowe: 30 Years in Madison!

Next year my wife, Kim, and I will be celebrating our thirtieth anniversary of moving to Madison. We still consider it the best decision we ever made.  Living in this great community, where we raised our family, has been a wonderful experience, and it has been a privilege and an honor to represent the town for the past fifteen years on its board of education and borough council.  Earlier this year I decided to run for a third term on the board to continue that service and because I felt there were several significant issues that I have been working on that would benefit from my continued advocacy at the council table.
During the next three years, the borough council will be making many important decisions that will greatly impact the affordability and quality of life of all Madisonians. Because of my experience as a member of Madison’s board of education and borough council, as well as effectively holding various management roles in the private sector, I believe I am the best candidate to better ensure the council makes choices that are well thought out, fiscally responsible, and include input from the entire community.
I have spent much time identifying ways to provide residents the lowest rates possible for property taxes and utilities—both of which the council controls. During my time in office (2014 to present), council has kept annual property-tax increases under 1 percent on average, and have lowered electric rates by 10 percent. The latter action has saved the community over $4 million since the rates were cut in 2017, with savings now totaling $2 million per year.
I have spent much time examining our town’s budgets and financial statements, identifying ways to provide residents the lowest rates possible for property taxes and utilities—both of which the council controls. During my time in office (2014 to present), council has kept annual property-tax increases under 1 percent on average, and have lowered electric rates by 10 percent. The latter action has saved the community over $4 million since the rates were cut in 2017, with savings now totaling $2 million per year.
But we can do more, and I am committed to pushing the council to maintain our high level of services while we continue to reduce the overall cost to residents through permanent rate cuts and savings through additional shared services.
I also plan to continue to look to lower the large surpluses we are retaining. Over the past seven years our various accounts have grown by almost a $1 million per year, and Madison now holds significantly more of its residents’ money than is needed to run the borough, or as “savings” for an emergency. Further, I want to continue to address our large infrastructure needs to better ensure we are wisely allocating our precious capital dollars. The strategic planning committees gave us a good blueprint, but council needs to check constantly that proposed spending first covers our most vital services—water, sewer, and electric. Roads and buildings may be more visible, but as Flint, MI, and Newark, NJ, have shown, the delivery of clean drinking water is one of our paramount responsibilities.
As I’ve noted in the past, we, the Borough of Madison, are a $58 million-a-year operation. Being able to properly oversee that large an annual budget and a diverse set of departments, plus other issues such as affordable housing, land use, maintaining our downtown, and so forth, requires public servants with solid backgrounds in finance, budgeting, personnel, and legal/governmental experience. I believe I have demonstrated throughout the years that I have all of the above, and the independence to speak my mind on issues that may not be in line with the majority of my colleagues but is nevertheless what I feel is right for our community.

Council Candidate Kathy Dailey: Align Madison’s Values with Its Taxpayers’

I am running for Madison Borough Council because I want to represent our town’s residents and be their voice on council. I want to be one of the six decision makers who help guide the future of our community, better ensure its alignment with the values of its taxpayers, and support the vision that Madison’s residents have for their families, businesses, and for themselves.
One of my biggest concerns about Madison is its reliance on undefined and variable “surpluses” to fund such a large percentage of its budget. As a councilwoman for Madison, I would work to decrease the borough’s dependence on unpredictable funding sources. Surpluses should be returned to the taxpayers, in my opinion, not stashed away out of sight and mind in case the borough one day eventually needs the money.
One of my biggest concerns about Madison is its reliance on undefined and variable “surpluses” to fund such a large percentage of its budget. As a councilwoman for Madison, I would work to decrease the borough’s dependence on unpredictable funding sources. Surpluses should be returned to the taxpayers, in my opinion, not stashed away out of sight and mind in case the borough one day eventually needs the money.
I feel a genuine and great passion for my chosen hometown of Madison, its people, and its future success. As a parent of two children who have benefited from growing up in this wonderful borough, I understand and appreciate the importance of living in a community that is safe and affordable while still offering the amenities young families require. Those are my highest priorities, and this is what you can expect from me when I represent you on the Borough Council.

A Final Word from Our Candidates

We hope to be able to continue to be your independent voices on council, and look forward to discussing the above and more with residents as we meet with them between now and Election Day.  Please visit our website at, or follow us on Facebook, @VoteForRoweDailey.

Contact: Patrick Rowe @ or Kathy Dailey @

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  • Put Madison on the Right Track: Vote Republican in November!