The following is the text of a letter submitted to the editor of the Madison Eagle. Since the Eagle is now only accessible online to paid subscribers, we provide a copy here for those residents who are not subscribed. It is reproduced here verbatim, as originally written.
I read Tom Abruzzo’s letter to the editor dated August 3, and I totally agree with Mr. Abruzzo: the Madison Borough Council needs to redraft its “Welcoming Community” resolution. As currently written, the resolution gives the public the wrong impression. If the Council truly intends to be only “welcoming” and not a “sanctuary,” then the resolution must be phrased differently and its most misleading provisions must be eliminated entirely. To quote Mr. Abruzzo’s letter, the Council should “remove any language that may lead illegal immigrants and foreign fugitives to believe that they can be safely harbored in Madison.”
The Costa Rican fugitive who falsely reported an armed robbery in downtown Madison on July 23 is wanted on charges of child rape in Costa Rica. If he is guilty of this alleged rape, his presence here in Madison may have placed Borough residents and their family members in danger. His false report caused unnecessary alarm in our borough and every surrounding community. Law enforcement resources from Madison, Florham Park, Harding Township, Morristown, Morris Township, Chatham Township, and the Morris County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit were diverted from real community needs to investigate this made-up incident. This was not only a waste of municipal and county resources; according to a statement made by Madison Police Chief Darren Dachisen, it also placed law enforcement personnel in harm’s way.
All our Borough Council members live here in Madison and assuredly do not want to place their own families, neighbors and police personnel at risk. To keep Madison safe, Resolution 57-2017 needs revision, and the Borough Council owes it to Madison residents and taxpayers to make the necessary changes as soon as possible. After this incident, any further delay would be irresponsible.
Kathy Dailey
West End Ave
Do you have a question about the Welcoming Community Resolution? Would you like to make your opinion known on this website? Contact the Madison Republican Committee